Out of 1108 High Court Judges in 2022 , that includes the permanent and additional Judges. Women judges consist of 7.67% in the system, that is 85 Judges in total.
The Highest number of women judges are in Madras High Court with 11 judges on the bench followed by Punjab and Haryana High Court with 10 judges and Telangana High Court with 9 judges.
There is O representation of Women Judges in Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Uttarakhand, Patna High Court.
In 2021 as of June, they were 76 Women Judges. In terms of highest number of women judges they were in 13 Madras High Court, followed by 8 in Bombay High Court and 7 in Allahabad High Court and Punjab and Haryana High Court.